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Operating Engineers Local 150 Endorse Chuck Rose

Chuck Rose is proud to have earned the endorsement of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150. 

"The 23,000 men and women who belong to Local 150 are a driving force across our community. They build the infrastructure and buildings that we use everyday. I appreciate their work and value their contributions to our community, and if elected I pledge to work on their behalf to keep DeKalb County a great place to live and work," said Rose.

In a letter to Rose, Local 150 President James M. Sweeney said that Rose is one of many candidates they are endorsing based on their commitment to the region.

"Hardworking Illinoisians are counting on determined leaders to stand up for their rights and ensure that we have a safe infrustructure that is a strength rather than a weakness when it comes to economic activity and job creation."


Committee to Elect Charles Rose
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